Magic school

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Construct your dream magic school, block by block. Design unique rooms any way you see fit. Craft and place every light, piece of furniture, and decoration.
Will your school be whimsical or efficient, creepy or cozy… Make it your own!

Room Types

There are different room types that give your students and staff conviction, crafting or efficiency buffs.


Classrooms are used to teach students and level their skills. Each classroom's Teaching Station needs at least 1 staff and can be used by multiple students at the same time.
There are General Classrooms that teach every skill up to level 4. So a normal level 2 wand student can still be fully trained with the general stations.
For every level above that you need advanced teaching stations. Those only level their respective elemental skill.


Bedrooms are used to fulfill the need for sleep of your people.
If there are no beds available, people will sleep on the floor. For sleeping on the floor or even outside there will be a conviction penalty. The Austere Bedroom is the only bedroom that doesn't have a condition on the kind of people sleeping there. Most rooms give bonus conviction to students or staff only.
Note that better bedrooms for students are under the Rec Rooms category.

Dining Rooms

Dining Rooms are used to give conviction buffs for eating in them. Most rooms give bonus conviction to students or staff only.
Note that better dining rooms for students are under the Rec Rooms category.


Workshops boost the efficiency of cooking, research or crafting tasks.
The Workshop is the only room that boosts all crafting and research rate for a small amount. All other rooms boost specific crafting tasks.

Rec Rooms

Recreation Rooms give a conviction buff to the people in the room.
The Conservatory is the only room giving buffs to all people and the only room giving buffs to staff at all. The other rooms are for students only.

Medical Rooms

Medical Rooms are used to perform rituals for injured or traumatized people, recover death saves and boost HP recovery.
Medical Rooms boost the recovery rate but Hospital Beds are enough to heal your people.
Note that HP will only be recovered in a Hospital Bed.

Ritual Rooms

Ritual Rooms are needed to perform rituals for hiring new staff and graduating students.


In the Build Menu (Hotkey 1) there are different Tabs to help you build your school:
Construction, Furniture, Crafting, Teaching, Lighting, Storage, Garden, Recreation and Shrinks.