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Students are young mages who have been summoned to the school to realize their full potential. Along with staff, they are one of the main populations that the player must manage in Mind Over Magic.


Students can be one of five races, which is chosen randomly upon summoning. In addition to the race's perks and drawbacks, the student's race influences their Trials & Medallions.

Upon summoning, students begin with very little magical potential. In order to gain skill, they must attend classes to slowly build proficiency. Their maximum potential`is based primarily on their wand tier, as well as their gifted status and certain medallions. Upon becoming fully trained, the student can participate in a ritual using the Ritual Sigil to graduate or become school staff.

Students may participate in combat and perform some tasks. However, their selection of tasks is significantly limited compared to staff. Note that only students can perform Beast Care, and students are required in rituals relating to the hatching of Refining Beasts.



Students can be summoned using one of two rituals from the Student Summoner.

Summon Student

Ritual Time: Varies

This ritual requires one wand and a number of staff. The number of staff required increases based off of the number of students already present at the school.

Once summoned, the student's element and potential will reflect the wand used to summon them.

Summon Gifted Student

Ritual Time: Varies

This ritual requires one wand, 15 Arcane Scrolls, 15 Adept Scrolls and a number of staff with a Lightning Skill of 3. The number of staff required increases based off of the number of students already present at the school. All staff in the ritual must have at least Lightning Skill 3. Later rituals require Mana Crystals.

Once summoned, the gifted student has boosted magical potential relative to their wand tier.


Once fully trained, a student can graduate from the school using one of two rituals from the Ritual Sigil. The student will permanently depart from the school, leaving behind a certain number of Adept Scrolls or Savant Scrolls depending on their wand tier.


Ritual Time: 30 mins

This ritual requires one Officiant (staff) and at least one fully trained student, up to four.

Upon completion, all students participating in the ritual will permanently depart from the school, leaving behind a respective number of Adept Scrolls or Savant Scrolls. The Officiant will gain the Bittersweet Feelings status.

Graduate With Honors

Ritual Time: 30 mins

This ritual requires one Officiant (staff) and at least one fully trained and full honors student, up to two. Full honors denotes the completion of all trials for that student.

Upon completion all students participating in the ritual will permanently depart from the school, leaving behind a larger number of Adept Scrolls or Savant Scrolls. The Officiant will gain the Bittersweet Feelings status.


Rather than graduating, a fully trained student can instead under go hiring ritual to become a part of the school's staff. Doing so changes the student's appearance and prevents them from completing any remaining trials, but they will keep any medallions they have earned.

Hire Staff

Ritual Time: Varies

This ritual requires a number of Adept Scrolls' or Savant Scrolls, one fully trained student and at least one Officiant (staff), up to four. The number and type of scrolls required increases based off of the number of staff already present at the school. Later rituals require Mana Crystals.

Upon completion, the student will become staff. All Officiants will gain the Celebratory status. Any staff that did not participate in the ceremony will gain the Left Out status.


A student can be expelled at any time to permanently remove them from the school.


Ritual time: 30 mins

This ritual requires one student and one Officiant (staff).

Upon completion, the student will permanently depart from the school, leaving behind nothing. All mages will gain the Let Down status.

Cursed Students

When clearing a room in the Underschool, there is a chance that a cursed student may appear. Cursed students are inflicted with the Cursebound status and cannot move. A cursed student must be freed by a member of staff, at which point they will join the school immediately at no cost.

Cursed students who have been freed will possess a minor but permanent conviction bonus. Their wand tier is 2, their element and race is random.

Runaway Students

There is a chance for runaway students to appear from the fog. They can be regular or gifted.