Medical Rooms

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Medical Rooms are used to perform rituals for injured or traumatized people, recover death saves and boost HP recovery.
Medical Rooms boost the recovery rate but Hospital Beds are enough to heal your people.
Note that HP will only be recovered in a Hospital Bed.

Nurse's Office

+1.88% HP per hour from Bed Rest

Keywords Must have Must Not Have Luxury requirement
Lofted 2 or more Medical Beds
  • Any Research Stations, Crafting Stations, or Refining Beasts
  • Any Dining Tables
  • Any Teaching Stations
  • Any Ritual Sigil


+5% HP per hour from Bed Rest
Required for intermediate Rituals

Keywords Must have Must Not Have Luxury requirement
Private 3 or more Medical Beds
2 or more Incense Burner
  • Any Research Stations, Crafting Stations, or Refining Beasts
  • Any Dining Tables
  • Any Teaching Stations
  • Any Ritual Sigil

Hospital Ward

+10% HP per hour from Bed Rest
Required for advanced Rituals

Keywords Must have Must Not Have Luxury requirement
5 or more Medical Beds
4 or more Incense Burner
2 or more Tincture Shelf
2 or more Medicinal Carr

Must have one:
- 3 or more Large Windows
- 1 or more Huge Window
  • Any Research Stations, Crafting Stations, or Refining Beasts
  • Any Dining Tables
  • Any Teaching Stations
  • Any Ritual Sigil