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The stats of your students and staff are dependent on their race, their level, and their growth values.
Stats can be increased by leveling up or equipping them with various relics.


The HP determines how much damage a mage can take before getting knocked out or dying.
In combat, HP can only be generated by using a potion.

Race Base HP
Vivified 175
Raven Cultist 150
Human 100
Wolfkin 80
Shattered 30


Mana detemines the amount of spells that can be cast. Spells have different Mana requirements.
In combat, Mana can be generated by using a potion or by passing a round which gives 15 Mana.

Race Base Mana
Vivified 90
Raven Cultist 110
Human 120
Wolfkin 80
Shattered 100


Power makes spells stronger.
In combat, Power can be boosted by Nature spells or with a potion.
It scales additive which means +50 Power directly correlates to +50 damage. Spells that hit multiple times would also hit +50 multiple times, so a 3 hit spell would have +150 damage.

Race Base Power
Vivified 5
Raven Cultist 20
Human 0
Wolfkin 10
Shattered 15


Speed detemines the turn order in combat.
There are spells and potions to boost your own and decrease the enemies speed.

Race Base Speed
Vivified 0
Raven Cultist 10
Human 10
Wolfkin 20
Shattered 0