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Relics are items that mages can attune to, giving them various buffs.

Acquiring Relics

Relics can be acquired by graduating fully trained students or retiring staff. Depending on the mage's completed trials, wand, and their race, they will leave behind a specific relic. Relics can also be acquired through battle crystals, which at higher levels will drop one random relic. Mages can only equip relics that are at a less than or equal level compared to their current mage level.

Relic Affinities

Each mage has a set of relic affinities that affect what relics they are able to equip. Mages have three affinities by default, while gifted mages will have an additional fourth affinity slot. While relic affinities are random, there are a few affinities that are guaranteed for each mage.

  • A Mage will always have one relic affinity that matches their race.
  • A Mage will always have one relic affinity that matches their specialization.

The other relic slot(s) is random. A mage can have any other race or specialization affinity, or it could have an uncommon affinity. These uncommon affinities are (list incomplete) Diligence, Exuberance, Tranquility, and Temperance.

Types of Relic Buffs

Relic buffs are either flat ability increases (example: A level 3 relic with the buff "Gourmet" boosts a mage's cooking speed by 1.5x), skill cap increases (example: "Attuned to Fire") or stat buffs, which are directly influenced by the relics level. Each stat buff uses the relic level as a multiplier. For example, a Motivated level 9 relic will give 90 HP, 90 Mana, and 18 Max Power.

Relic Buffs
Buff Name Effect
Rapidity Mage gains (Level * 3) Power and (Level * 2) Max Speed.
Strongman Mage constructs 1.5x (?) faster.
Invigorated Mage restores 2 Mana per hour.
Gourmet Mage cooks 1.5x (?) faster.
Attuned to Fire Mage gains +1 (?) to Fire Skill Cap.
Motivated Mage gains (Level * 10) HP, (Level * 10) Mana, and (Level * 2) Max Power.
Hunter Mage hunts 1.5x faster.
Inspired Mage gains (Level * 3) Speed and (Level * 10) Max Mana.
Bolstered Mage gains (Level * 25) Max HP.
Stalwart Mage gains (Level * 15) Max Mana and (Level * 10) HP.
Resolute Mage gains (Level * 15) Max Mana and (Level * 2) Power.
Regenerative Mage heals an extra 10% of Max HP per hour while on medical rest.
Tailor Mage quilts 1.5x (?) faster.
Staunch Mage gains (Level * 15) Max HP and (Level * 2) Power.
Tenacious Mage gains (Level * 25) Max Mana.
Fleetfooted Mage gains (Level * 15) Max HP and (Level * 2) Speed.
Sparkling Mage gains (Level * 3) Power and (Level * 6) Max Mana.
Energized Mage gains (Level * 3) Speed and (Level * 10) Max HP.
Perceptive Mage gains (Level * 3) Power and (Level * 10) Max HP.
Swiftness Mage gains (Level * 15) Max Mana and (Level * 2) Speed.
Dynamic Mage gains (Level * 10) HP, (Level * 10) Mana, and (Level * 2) Max Speed.
Vivacious Mage gains (Level * 15) Max HP and (Level * 10) Mana.
Leaf-Wreathed Mage gains 10 (?) conviction for 4 hours after a Harvest task.
Water-Wreathed Mage gains 5 (?) conviction for 4 hours after a Clean task.
Whirlwind Mage gains (Level * 5) Speed.
Excited Mage gains (Level * 10) HP, (Level * 2) Speed, and (Level * 2) Power.
Researcher Mage researches 2x (?) faster.
Wandcrafter Mage crafts wands 2x (?) faster.
Alchemist Mage brews 3x (?) faster.
Formidable Mage gains (Level * 3) Speed and (Level * 2) Power.
Attuned to Lightning Mage gains +2 (?) to Lightning Skill Cap.
Flame-Wreathed Mage gains 5 (?) conviction for 4 hours after a Hunt task.
Enchanted Mage gains (Level * 10) Mana, (Level * 2) Speed, and (Level * 2) Max Power.

Note: If you have encountered a relic effect that is not listed here, please add it to this page. This list is unfinished.

Pulverizing Relics

Relics can be destroyed by using the Relic Pulverizer. When a relic is pulverized, it will leave behind gnosis shards. The amount of shards received for pulverizing will be equal to 2 * the Level of the Relic.