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Mind Over Magic features a turn-based combat system in which a team of up to four mages can enter battle with a number of creatures for a reward.



Battles can be initiated in the Underschool, with certain crystals or with malicious invaders. Each battle has a set difficulty, indicated by skulls. The maximum difficulty is four skulls. The higher the difficulty, the larger the reward.

Before entering combat, the player must create their team. The team consists of up to four mages, selected from the staff or students present at the school. Their elemental specialization and proficiency determines their role and the skills they are able to cast. The Founder cannot participate in combat.

Up to 10 potions can be brought before the battle begins to give an edge in combat. These potions are unlocked from the Research Tree and are crafted at the Alchemist's Station, or are obtained as a reward from battle.

In Battle

The combat system operates on a cyclical format - within each cycle, each mage and creature takes their turn once, with turn order being dictated by Speed. Any changes to the turn order from effects such as Hastened or Jolted will not affect the current cycle and will instead take place on the next cycle.

The party's team structure consists of two slots in the front row and two slots in the back row. A mage can be placed in any slot. The majority of creatures will prioritize attacking mages in the front row, and certain skills only affect one row at a time or give bonuses based on where the mage is positioned. Enemy creatures follow a similar system, and most mage skills will only be able to target the front row.

In battle, mages cast skills using Mana. Each skill's effect is a set number that is based on that skill's tier. For offensive skills, a mage's Power provides increased damage as an additive bonus.

Aside from casting spells, a mage can use a potion or move to a different position on the battlefield. These actions are considered bonus actions, meaning they will not end the turn. Only one bonus action can occur per turn.

A mage can flee combat. Doing so will immediately end their turn, and they will exit the battle at their next turn. Mages can also pass their turn, regaining 15 mana and immediately ending their turn.

If a mage's HP is reduced to 0, they will be downed for the rest of the battle unless revived with a Revival Flask. A mage is who downed when a battle ends will lose one Death Save.


See: Potions


See: Creatures