Rec Rooms

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Recreation Rooms give a conviction buff to the people recreating in the room.

Pure Rec Rooms


The Conservatory is the only room giving buffs to everyone and the only room giving buffs to staff at all.

+5 conviction to recreators

Keywords Must have Luxury requirement
2 or more Enchantophones 25

Mixed Rec Rooms

These rooms give bigger conviction buffs to students for their sleeping and eating needs then the Dining Rooms and Bedrooms.

Common Room

+15 conviction to Student sleepers
+15 conviction to Student diners
+5 conviction to Student recreators

Keywords Must have Luxury requirement
4 or more Plain Beds, Fancy Beds, or Canopy Beds
2 or more Dining Tables
2 or more Recreation Furnishings

Must have one :
- 3 or more Windows
- 1 or more Large Window

House Commons

+25 conviction to Student sleepers
+25 conviction to Student diners
+10 conviction to Student recreators

Keywords Must have Luxury requirement
5 or more Plain Beds, Fancy Beds, or Canopy Beds
2 or more Dining Tables
2 or more Recreation Furnishings

Must have one :
- 3 or more Large Windows
- 1 or more Huge Window