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Bedrooms are used to fulfill the need for sleep of your people.
If there are no beds available, people will sleep on the floor. For sleeping on the floor or even outside there will be a conviction penalty.
Most rooms give bonus conviction to students or staff only.

Staff Bedrooms

Austere Bedroom

The Austere Bedroom is the only bedroom that doesn't have a condition on the kind of people sleeping there.

+2.5 conviction to sleepers

Keywords Must have Must not have Luxury requirement
Private 1 or more Cot, Plain Bed, Fancy Bed, or Canopy Bed
  • Any Research Stations, Crafting Stations, Refining Beasts
  • Any Teaching Stations
  • Any Dining Tables
  • Any Ritual Signal
  • Any Medical Bed


+5 conviction to Staff sleepers

Keywords Must have Must not have Luxury requirement
  • 1 or more Plain Bed, Fancy Bed, or Canopy Bed
  • 2 or fewer beds
  • 1 or more window
  • Any Research Stations, Crafting Stations, Refining Beasts
  • Any Teaching Stations
  • Any Dining Tables
  • Any Ritual Signal
  • Any Medical Bed

Private Quarters

+15 conviction to Staff sleepers

Keywords Must have Must not have Luxury requirement
  • Exactly 1 door
  • 1 or more Fancy Bed or Canopy Bed
  • 2 or fewer Beds

One of:

  • 3 or more Windows
  • 1 or more Large Window
  • Any Cots or Plain Beds
  • Any Research Stations, Crafting Stations, Refining Beasts
  • Any Teaching Stations
  • Any Dining Tables
  • Any Ritual Signal
  • Any Medical Bed



+25 conviction to Staff sleepers

Keywords Must have Must not have Luxury requirement
  • Private
  • Elevated
  • Lofted
  • Exactly 1 door
  • 1 or more Canopy Bed
  • 2 or fewer Canopy Bed

One of:

  • 3 or more Large Windows
  • 1 or more Huge Windows
  • Any Cots, Plain Beds, or Fancy Beds
  • Any Research Stations, Crafting Stations, Refining Beasts
  • Any Teaching Stations
  • Any Dining Tables
  • Any Ritual Signal
  • Any Medical Bed

Student Bedrooms

Note that better bedrooms for students are under the Rec Rooms category.

Austere Bedroom

The Austere Bedroom is the only bedroom that doesn't have a condition on the kind of people sleeping there.

+2.5 conviction to sleepers

Keywords Must have Must not have Luxury requirement
Private 1 or more Cot, Plain Bed, Fancy Bed, or Canopy Bed
  • Any Research Stations, Crafting Stations, Refining Beasts
  • Any Teaching Stations
  • Any Dining Tables
  • Any Ritual Signal
  • Any Medical Bed


+5 conviction to Student sleepers

Keywords Must have Must not have Luxury requirement
  • 3 or more Plain Beds, Fancy Beds, or Canopy Beds
  • 1 or more window
  • Any Cot
  • Any Research Stations, Crafting Stations, Refining Beasts
  • Any Teaching Stations
  • Any Ritual Signal
  • Any Medical Bed