Dining Rooms

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Dining Rooms are used to give conviction buffs for eating in them.
Most rooms give bonus conviction to students or staff only.

Staff Dining Rooms

Dining Room

+5 conviction to Staff diners

Keywords Must have Luxury requirement
Lofted Exactly 1 Dining Table 10

Private Dining Room

+15 conviction to Staff diners

Keywords Must have Luxury requirement
Exactly 1 Dining Table

Must have one :
- 3 or more Windows
- 1 or more Large Window

Salle a Manger

+25 conviction to Student sleepers
+25 conviction to Student diners
+10 conviction to Student recreators

Keywords Must have Luxury requirement
Exactly 1 Dining Table

Must have one :
- 3 or more Large Windows
- 1 or more Huge Window

Must have one :
- 3 or more Small Roof Decorations
- 1 or more Large Roof Decoration

Student Dining Rooms

Note that better dining rooms for students are under the Rec Rooms category.

Mess Hall

+5 conviction to Student diners

Keywords Must have Luxury requirement
Lofted 2 or more Dining Tables None