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Rooms are the basis of the school. Any space enclosed using a combination of walls, floors, and roofs will automatically create a room. Rooms will be classified based upon their size, location, contents, and shape. Some rooms will provide bonuses for certain actions being completed within them.

Room View

A close-up screengrab of the bottom right bar.
Location of the Room Type icon in the bottom right bar.

The room view can be accessed by either pressing F1 on the keyboard or selecting the Room View icon from the bottom right bar.

A close-up screengrab of a room that has been shaded red and includes information on the room's type, luxury, keywords, and bonuses.
A sample of the information provided on rooms when using room popup view.

This view will highlight each room based upon what category its type falls in and included information on the room type, luxury level, keywords, and any bonuses the room provides.

The room categories are:

Room Components

Rooms are created by enclosing a space with walls, floors, and roofs. All components can be found under Construction in the Build Menu.


Name Cost Research Required
  • 2 Stone


Name Cost Research Required
  • 1 Stone
  • 1 Wood


Name Cost Research Required
  • 1 Wood
Glass Roof
  • 2 Iron
  • 1 Ice Petal