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Events are random occurrences that happen throughout gameplay. Events become more frequent and more difficult as the player explores the underschool, as well as the player increases their MAGE score. Event types, event duration, and MAGE score increase can be toggled off/on and altered in the difficulty settings menu.

MAGE Score

MAGE Score influences how quickly new events impact the school. MAGE is an acronym standing for Magic, Architecture, Growth, and Exploration. The variables that influence mage score are:

  • Magic Skill
  • Reagents
  • Crafted
  • Assembled
  • Constructed
  • Research Magic
  • Assemble Magic
  • Construct Magic
  • Crafting Magic
  • Rooms
  • Custom
  • Time Elapsed
  • Exploration

Event Types


Banes grant disadvantages to one of the five races in battle. Each race has a different bane.


Boons grant advantages to one of the five races in battle. Each race has a different boon.

  • Human boons
  • Hour of the Vivified: Vivified gain Tough in battle, taking half damage from all attacks.
  • Raven Cultist boons
  • Hour of the Wolfkin: Wolfkin gain 150% Power and Speed.
  • Shattered boons


Rainstorms are common events that will show up early in the game. Most objects and items that are exposed to rain will take durability damage, depleting the item's durability until it is destroyed. Being outside in the rain will cause characters to become wet, which will negatively impact conviction. Rain will seep through floors, destroying furniture below, however, it is blocked by roofs.

Lightning Storms

Lightning Storms are events that can cause issues for early game players. Like the rainstorm, all objects exposed to the rain will take durability damage, and characters will gain the wet status when outside for too long. During this event, lightning will strike down, destroying roofs and flooring. The player will have to reconstruct these blocks. Lightning strikes become manageable once the player unlocks the Lightning Rod in the "Flashes of Brilliance" research node.

Student Arrivals

Student Arrivals, or runaways from the fog, is an event that adds two new gifted initiates to your school. As of the Apprentice Update (June 18th 2024), these students will always have tier 1 wands.

Crystal Arrivals

During this event, a notification appears saying that a crystal has appeared from the Fog. On one side near the fog, a crystal will spawn. This crystal will only be available for 24 in-game hours. The crystal will have a battle (level dependent on the type of crystal), and there are rewards for the battle. If the battle is not completed, the crystal disappears without incident.

The following types of crystals can appear:

  • Rancor Crystal - Level 12


Heat Waves

Heat Waves cause Phoenix's Kiss to spawn at higher rates and quadruples their growth rate, while Iceflower plants spawn at very decreased rates and grow five times slower. Fire specialized mages start battles with Fire Waxes, while water specialized mages start battles with Water Wanes. Enemies from the Lava Mines will also appear in some surface battles.

Cold Snaps

Cold Snaps cause Iceflower plants to spawn at higher rates and quadruples their growth rate, while Phoenix's Kiss plants spawn at very decreased rates and grow five times slower. Water specialized mages start battles with Water Waxes, while fire specialized mages start battles with Fire Wanes.

Croa Migrations

Fungal Blooms

Golden Berries

High Stinks

High Stinks cause Gutberry Vines to spawn at a much higher rate than normal in the areas next to the school. Eating gutberries or gutberry soup will give the mage an additional conviction penalty. Air specialized Mages start battles with Air Waxes, which gives them the Hastened effect, and Lightning specialized Mages start battles with Lightning Wanes, which gives them a -100 Speed penalty.





The Breathstealer event is a late-game event summons a slow-moving, incredibly tough creature that hunts down a specific mage.

Chest Smashers

Torch Snuffers

Messy Meddlers

Underschool Threats